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January 19, 2023

Consciously Uncoupling With My City

Ameet Johal

In the past few years, I found myself resenting my home city. Vancouver, BC. I know. It’s SO beautiful. Yet I found the city was lacking the culture I crave.

Urban culture is made at the intersection of society, community, and the built environment, and I didn’t see this evolving at the rate I hoped.

I began consciously uncoupling with my city. I felt our time together was coming to end. Friends knew this and started getting a lil’ tired of me constantly complaining about what wasn’t being done, or how I saw the city failing its people. These are hard truths for someone who has spent an entire career in real estate development, fostering community.

But then something happened. I started to go for long walks. No headphones, no distractions, just an open mind and a comfortable pair of shoes. I saw things I hadn’t noticed before. I saw people having fun doing activities supported by their built environment. I saw buildings differently. The way the light hits them at certain times – beautiful. The parks are filled with diverse people taking in the natural beauty in the center of the city. My perspective started to change.

Maybe it’s that New Mayor Energy, (looking at you Ken Sim, FCPA, FCA) ushering in a new sense of hope, or maybe, I just needed a new perspective.

Instead of complaining about what’s not happening, I want to encourage more evolution. I want to live in a city that is active, cultured, and inclusive. We get there by working with our developer partners, artists, cultural influencers, small businesses, and interesting retailers. I believe by collaborating on how the places we build can accommodate the change we need and want, we will move purposefully towards an elevated profile of Vancouver, and create a place where everyone is welcome and there’s something for everybody.

If this is YOU, please get in touch, and let’s move this vision forward, together!